Eat healthy and exercise is the best combination for weight loss. However, when the sport is often overlooked in the list of daily activities, you can do this so fast weight down.
According to the expert nutritionists, key to weight loss is to determine the best besides sports what kind of food at most filling dish or snack box.
Certified nutritionist Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD, Whole Health Nutrition share the simple secrets that you can do to see weight loss results quickly without restricting what you should eat.
The trick, every time you want to enjoy one serving of food or snacks, make sure 50 percent of vegetables. Do this at every meal.
"The easiest way to eat more vegetables is to include them in every meal or snack, even at breakfast. By setting the last portion, you will see weight loss in just one month, "added Langevin.
Vegetables are low in calories and low in carbohydrates, but rich in fiber to keep you full longer. A high water content and more effort to chew can help you feel fuller faster, so you will eat less than if the dinner plate only contains carbohydrates and protein.
So, when during your plate is dominated by carbohydrates or protein, it's time the vegetables were the majority. The recipe: 50 percent vegetables, 20 percent carbohydrates and 30 percent protein. For a snack, you can pick the fruit or vegetable salad.
Langevin explained, eating more vegetables is becoming a growing trend. The good news, vegetable managed to become the "meat" of new, changed from complementary foods become the main food.
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